High Technology and Human Nature

Tokyo, 13 January 2007.
The 3rd International Symposium on Generalized Science of Humanity

Conference Room, ILCAA, TUFS
     Asahicho, Fuchu, Tokyo, 183-8534 Japan 
     Tel: +81-42-330-5600

13:00     Welcome Remarks by Makoto MINEGISHI, Professor, ILCAA, TUFS.
13:15 Human Capabilities to Be Developed by High Technology.
  Toshiaki IKOMA, Director-General, Center for Research and Development Strategy.
14:15 Ideal Human Way of Life from the Viewpoint of Confucianism.
  Yü-lieh LOU, Director, Research Institute of Religion, Peking University.
15:30 Linguistic Cognition and Solitary Life in the Nature Prescribed by the Buddha.
  Hideaki NAKATANI, Professor, ILCAA, TUFS.
16:30 Panel Discussion
Toshitka HIDAKA, Director-General, Research Institute for
Humanity and Nature (Kyoto). 
Hajime OKAYAMA, Professor, Univ. of Tokyo, T. IKOMA, Y. LOU,
16:50 Closing Address by Kazuo OHTSUKA, Director, ILCAA, TUFS
● Registration (free of charge) at ILCAA, Tel. 042-330-5603 ;
    Registration available for the first two hundred registrants.
● For Further Information:
    - Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa,
    Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
    3-11-1 Asahi-cho, Fuchu-Shi, Tokyo. 183-8534, Tel. +81-42-330-5603