Formation of
Change of Cognition
Formation of
Consciousness, Change of Cognition
Hideaki Nakatani (ILCAA/TUFS) & Jean-Louis Dessalles (Paris Tech)
Thursday 2 April 2009 (Maison Suger, 16 - 18 rue Suger, 75006 Paris)
9:00 Hideaki Nakatani (ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Cognition with Unconscious Predilection according to Ancient Indians
10:00 Jean-Louis Dessalles (Paris Tech)
Mutual Understanding through Sharing Cognitive Dissonance
11:15 Kazushige Shingu (Kyoto University)
The Creation of Another World: From Dream to Reality
14:00 Toru Maruyana (Nanzan University, Nagoya)
Emergence of the Concept of “ego” in the Grammatical Structure
of the Languages of Western Europe - Afterthoughts
15:00 Anne Reboul (CNRS)
Language: of Freedom and Human Bondage
16:15 Hiroshi Ichikawa (University of Tokyo)
Is The Buddhist Enlightenment Regarded as Philosophical or Religious?
- Religious Education for Enlightenment in Early Modern Japan -
17:15 Jean-Pierre Nadal (CNRS)
Making choice under social influence: collective phenomena in social systems
18:15 General Discussions
Friday 3 April (MSH, 54 Bd Raspail, 75006 Paris, salle 7)
9:00 François Taddei (INSERM, Paris)
How to change the world ? From microscopic to global
changes, from the
origins of life to networks of social entrepreneur
10:00 Tsutomu Nakada (Science Council of Japan, FAAN, Niigata University)
Brain Science of the Mind - Brain as a Complex System -
11:15 General Discussions
13:00 Closing of the workshop